Ferrari Testarossa - Service Manual - Manuel de Reparation - Manuale di Officina - Reparaturanleitung View larger

Ferrari Testarossa - Workshop Manual - Manuel de Reparation - Manuale di Officina - Reparaturanleitung

Multilanguage (English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano) Workshop Manual, to Ferrari Testarossa.

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LANGUAGES: Deutsch, English, Español, Francais, Italiano.
PAGES: 1752
VALID FOR: Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

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- Multilanguage (English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano) Workshop Manual, to Ferrari Testarossa.


- Generalita'
- Generalita'
- Dati di identificazione
- Interpretazione targhetta b
- Rifornimenti
- General
- General
- Identification data
- Label b interpretation
- Refilling
- Generalites
- Generalites
- Donnees d'identification
- Interpretation plaquette b
- Ravitaillements
- Allgemeines
- Allgemeines
- Kenndaten
- Daten des schildes b
- Fullmengen
- Motore
- Dati principali
- Basamento e canne cilindri
- Generalitia'
- Controllo bencata
- Controllo e montaggio canne
- Albero motore
- Dati principali
- Controllo e ripassatura perni di banco e di biella
- Equilibratura
- Controllo gioco perni e cuscinetti di beilla
- Controllo gioco assiale albero motore
- Controllo guarnizioni di tenuta
- Pistoni - bielle
- Pulizia e controllo
- Dati principali pistoni
- Montaggio pistoni e bielle
- Dati principali bielle e cuscinetti di biella
- Controllo bielle
- Controllo perni e cuscinetti di biella
- Teste cilindri
- Generalita'
- Controllo teste
- Controllo sedi e guide valvole
- Controllo valvole e molle
- Distribuzione
- Dati principali
- Alesatura sedi alberi a camme
- Regolazione gioco pastiglie
- Comando distribuzione
- Montaggio motore
- Montaggio canne e albero motore
- Montaggio bielle e pistoni
- Montaggio pompe acqua e olio
- Montaggio teste
- Prova idraulica
- Montaggio alberi a camme e cinghie distribuzione
- Engine
- Main specifications
- Crankcase & cylinder liners
- General information
- Checking main bearings
- Checking & assembling cylinder liners
- Crankshaft
- Main specifications
- Checking & refacing main journals & crankpins
- Balancing
- Checking main & conn-rod bearings clearance
- Checking crankshaft end float
- Checking sealing gaskets
- Pistons - connecting rods
- Cleaning & checking
- Main specifications & pistons
- Assembling pistons & connecting rods
- Main specifications - connecting rods & big end bearings
- Checking connecting rods
- Checking crankpins & big end bearings
- Cylinder heads
- General information
- Checking heads
- Checking valve seats & guides
- Checking valve seats & springs
- Timing system
- Main specifications
- Boring of camshaft seats
- Adjusting shim clearance
- Timing belts
- Engine assembling
- Assembling cylinder liners - crankshaft
- Assembling connecting rods - pistons
- Assembling oil & water pump
- Assembling cylinder heads
- Hydraulic test
- Assembling camshafts & timing belts
- Moteur
- Donnees principales
- Bloc-cylindres et chemises
- Generalities
- Controle de la ligne d'arbre
- Controle et montage chemises
- Vilebrequin
- Donnees principales
- Controle et rectification tourillons et manetons
- Equilibrage
- Controle jeu manetons et coussinets de bielle
- Controle jeu longitudinal vilebrequin
- Controle joints d'etancheite
- Pistons-bielles
- Nettoyage et controle
- Donnees principales pistons
- Montage pistons et bielles
- Donnees principales des bielles et des cussinets de bielle
- Controle des bielles
- Controle des manetons et des coussinets de bielle
- Culasses
- Generalities
- Controle culasses
- Controle sieges et guides soupapes
- Controle soupapes et ressorts
- Distribution
- Donnees principales
- Alesage siege pour arbres a cames
- Reglage jeu pastilles
- Commande de distribution
- Montage du moteur
- Montage des chemises - vilebrequin
- Montage des bielles et pistons
- Montage pompes a eau et huile
- Montage culasses
- Essai hydraulique
- Montage arbres a cames et courroies de distribution
- Motor
- Allgemeine angaben kurbelgehause undkurbelgehause und
- Zylinderlaufbuchsen
- Allgemeines
- Hauptiager kontrolle
- Kontrolle und einbau der zylinderlaufbuchsen
- Kurbelwelle
- Hauptdaten
- Kontrollen und nachbearbeitung der haupt und pleuellagerzapfen
- Auswuchten
- Kontrolle des spiels der pleuellager und pleuelzapfen
- Kontrolle des axialspels der kurbelwelle
- Kontrolle der dichtungen
- Kolben - pleuel
- Reiniging und kontrolle
- Hauptdaten der kolben
- Einbau der kolben und pleuel
- Hauptdaten der pleuel und pleuellager
- Kontrolle der pleuel
- Kontrolle der pleuelzapfen und pleuellager
- Zylinderkopfe
- Allgemeines
- Kontrolle der zylinderkopfe
- Kontrolle der ventilsitze und fuhrungen
- Kontrolle der ventile und federn
- Ventilsteuerung
- Hauptdaten
- Ausborhren der nockenwellensitze
- Einstellen des spiels der einstellscheiben
- Ventilsteuerung
- Zusammenbau des motors
- Einbau der laufbuchsen und der antriebswelle
- Einbau der pleual und kolben
- Einbau der wasserpumpe und oelpumpe
- Einbau der zylinderkopfe
- Hydraulikprufung
- Einbau der nockenwellen und riemen der ventilsteuerung
- Lubrificazione - raffreddamento
- Lubrificazione
- Dati principali pompe olio
- Generalita'
- Controllo pompe olio
- Filtro olio
- Controllo livello olio
- Sosituzione olio
- Pressione e temperatura olio
- Dispositivo riciclo gas e vapori olio
- Raffreddamento
- Data principali
- Principali componenti
- Radiatori acqua
- Smontaggio radiatore
- Riempimento del circuito
- Controllo pompa acqua
- Valvole termostatiche
- Serbatoio di espansione
- Lubrication & cooling system
- Lubrication system
- Main specifications - oil pumps
- General information
- Checking oil pumps
- Oil filter
- Checking oil level
- Oil change
- Oil pressure & temperature
- Crankcase emission control system
- Cooling system
- Main specifications
- Main components
- Water radiators
- Radiator removal
- System filling
- Checking water pump
- Thermostats
- Expansion tank
- Lubrification - refroidissement
- Lubrification
- Donnees principales pompes a' huile
- Generalities
- Controle pompes a huile
- Filtre a huile
- Controle niveau d'huile
- Remplacement huile
- Pression et temperature d'huile
- Dispositif de recirculation gaz et vapeurs d'huile
- Refroidissement
- Donnees principales
- Composants principaux
- Radiateurs d'eau
- Demontage radiateur
- Remplissage du circuit
- Controle pompe a' eau
- Vannes thermostatiques
- Vase d'expansion
- Schmierung - kuhlung
- Schmierung
- Hauptdaten olumpen
- Allgemeines
- Kontrolle der olpumpen
- Olfilter
- Olstandskontrolle
- Olwechsel
- Oldruck und - temperatur
- Umlaufvorrichtung gas und oldampfe
- Kuhlung
- Hauptdaten
- Hauptsachliche bestandteile
- Wasserkuhler
- Ausbau des kuhlers
- Auffullen des kreises
- Kontrolle der wasserpumpe
- Thermostatische ventile
- Ausgleichsbehalter
- Accensione
- Controllo accensione in vettura
- Generalita
- Iniezione
- Regolatore di miscela
- Ripartitore carburante
- Regolatore fase di riscaldamento
- Valvola regolatrice della pressione principale
- Iniettori
- Valvola per aria supplementare
- Elettroiniettore per avviamento a freddo
- Valvola limitatrice di depressione
- Interruttore termico a tempo
- Pompa della benzina
- Filro sul pescante
- Filtro ed accumulatore benzina
- Impianto elettrico iniezione
- Controlli e messe a punto
- Ignition
- Ignition check on vehicle
- General information
- Injection
- Mixture control unit
- Fuel distribution
- Warm-up regulator
- Primary circuit pressure regulator
- Injectors
- Auxiliary air valve
- Electroinjector for cold starting
- Vacuum limiting valve
- Thermal time switch
- Fuel pump
- Filter on suction pipe
- Fuel filter & accumulator
- Electric injection system
- Checks & regulations
- Allumage
- Controle allumage sur voiture
- Generalites
- Injection
- Regulateur de melange
- Doseur - distributeur de melange
- Correcteur de rechauffage
- Regulateur de pression d'alimentation
- Injecteurs
- Commande d'air additionnel
- Injecteur de depart a froid
- Soupape limitatrice de depression
- Thermo-contact temporise
- Pompe a essence
- Filtre sur tamis
- Filtre et accumulateur a essence
- Installation electrique d'injection
- Controles et mises au point
- Zundung
- Kontrolle der zundung in das fahrzeug
- Aallgemeines
- Einspritzanlage
- Gemischregler
- Kraftstoffmengenteiler
- Warmlaufregler
- Systemdruckregler
- Einspritzventile
- Zusatzluftschieber
- Elektrostartventil
- Vakuumbergrenzer
- Thermozeitschalter
- Kraftstoffpumpe
- Filter auf tieffanger
- Filter und kraftstoffspeicher
- Elektrische einspritzanlage
- Prufung und einstellung
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Frizione
- Caratteristiche frizione - volano
- Generalita
- Descrizione
- Montaggio frizione su vettura
- Registrazione
- Determinazione precarico molla a diaframma
- Pedaliera
- Cambio velocita
- Caratteristiche
- Rapporti di trasmissione
- Olio cambio
- Sincronizzatori
- Ruotismi
- Controllo usura sincronizzatori
- Controllo gioco di sincronizzazione
- Controllo carico assiale
- Accoppiamento sincronizzatori
- Controllo eccentricita alberi
- Montaggio pacchi per controllo gioco assiale
- Pompa olio
- Montaggio cambio
- Registrazione comandi interni
- Regolazione comandi esterni
- Differenziale

- Caratteristiche
- Controllo e montaggio differenziale
- Semiassi
- Clutch
- Main specifications of clutch - flywheel
- General information
- Description
- Assembling clutch on vehicle
- Adjustment
- Determining diaphragm spring preload
- Clutch pedal specifications
- Gearbox
- Specifications
- Gearbox ratios
- Gearbox oil
- Synchronizers
- Checks & overhauls
- Gears
- Checking synchronizers for wear
- Checking synchronizer play
- Checking axial load
- Synchronizer mating
- Synchronizer shaft eccentricity
- Pack assembly for checking end float
- Oil pump
- Gearbox assembly
- Adjustment of gearbox inner linkage
- Adjustment of gearbox outer linkage
- Differential
- Main specifications
- Checking & assembling the differential
- Axle shafts
- Embrayage
- Caracteristiques embrayage-volant moteur
- Generalities
- Description
- Montage embrayage sur voiture
- Reglage
- Determintion pre'-charge ressort a diaphragme
- Pe'dalier

- Boite de vitesses
- Caracteristiques
- Rapports de transmission
- Huile de boite
- Synchroniseurs
- Controles et revisions
- Rouages
- Controle usure synchroniseurs
- Controle jeu de syncronisation
- Controle de la charge axiale
- Accouptement synchroniseurs
- Controle excentricite arbres
- Montage ensemble pour controle jeu longitudinal
- Pompe a' huile
- Montage boite
- Reglage commandes internes
- Reglage commandes externes
- Differentiel
- Caracteristiques
- Controle et montage differentiel
- Arbres de roue
- Kupplung
- Technische merkmale kupplung-schwungscheibe
- Allgemeines
- Beschreibung
- Einbau der kupplung in das fahrzeug
- Einstellung
- Bestimmen der federvorspannung (tellerfeder)
- Kupplungspedal
- Schaltgetriebe
- Technische merkmale
- Ubersetzungsverhaltnisse
- Getriebeol
- Synchronisierer
- Knotrollen und uberhofungen
- Radgetriebe
- Verschleisskontrolle synchronisierer
- Kontrolle synchronisierspiel
- Kontrolle axialbelastung
- Paarung synchronisierer
- Kontrolle der wellen-unmittigkeit
- Montage der zahnradgruppen zur kontrolle des axialspiels
- Olpumpe
- Zusammenbau des schaltgetriebes
- Einstellen der gangschaltungen (innen)
- Einstellen der gangschaltungen (aussen)
- Differential
- Technische daten
- Kontrolle und einbau des differentials
- Achswellen
- Sterzo
- Caratteristiche e dati
- Controllo giochi
- Pignone
- Cremagliera
- Piantone sterzo
- Sospensioni
- Generalita
- Controllo organi sospensione
- Sostituzione cuscinetti anteriori
- Sostituzione cuscinetti posteriori
- Controllo e registrazione assetto ruote
- Ammortizzatori
- Taratura ammortizzatore
- Molle
- Montaggio in vettura del gruppo molla-ammortizzatore posteriore
- Ruote e pneumatici
- Steering
- Specifications
- Clearance check
- Pinion
- Rack
- Steering column
- Suspension
- General
- Suspension components check
- Replacing front bearings
- Replacing rear bearings
- Wheel alignment adjustment & check
- Shock absorbers
- Shock absorber setting
- Springs
- Assembling rear shock absorber spring unit on vehicle
- Wheels & tyres
- Direction
- Caracteristiques et donnees
- Controle jeux
- Pignon
- Cremaillere
- Colonne de direction
- Supensions
- Generalities
- Cntrole organes de suspension
- Remplacement des roulements avant
- Remplacement des roulements arriere
- Controle et reglage assiette roues
- Amortisseurs
- Tarage amortisseur
- Ressorts
- Montage sur la voiture du groupe ressort-amortisseur arriere
- Roues et pneumatiques
- Lenkung
- Daten und merkmale
- Uberprufung der spiele
- Ritzel
- Zahnstange
- Lenksaule
- Aufhangungen

- Allgemeines
- Kontrolle der organe der aufhangung
- Auswechseln der vorderen lager
- Auswechseln der hinteren lager
- Kontrolle und einstellen der rader
- Stossdampfer
- Eichung des stobdampfers
- Federn
- Einbau der gruppe feder hinterer stobdampferin das fahrzeug
- Rader und bereifung
- Freni
- Generalita
- Circuito di protezione freni
- Freno idraulico di servizio
- Regolazione corsa pedale
- Pinze freni
- Smontaggio e sostituzione pastiglie
- Spurgo
- Registrazione freno di stazionamento
- Brakes
- General information
- Brake protection circuit
- Hydraulic brake system
- Pedal travel adjustment
- Brake calipers
- Removing & replacing brake pads
- Bleeding
- Handbrake adjustment
- Freins
- Generalites
- Circuit de protection freins
- Frein hydraulique de service
- Reglage course pedale
- Etriers freins
- Demontage et remplacement des plaquettes
- Purge
- Reglage frein de stationnement
- Bremsen
- Allgemeines
- Bremsschutzkreis
- Hydraulische betriebsbremse
- Einstellen des pedalwegs
- Bremssattel
- Ausbau und wechsel der belage
- Entluftung
- Einstellen der handbremse
- Comandi e apparecchi di controllo
- Impianto di condizionamento aria
- Generalita - funzionamento
- Schema di funzionamento dell'impianto di condizionamento
- Componenti impianto di raffreddamento
- Compressore
- Frizione elettromagnetica
- Interruttore termico
- Filtro disidratatore
- Pressostati
- Valvola di espansione
- Manutenzione
- Scarico
- Eliminazione aria dal silindro dosatore
- Crico cilindro dosatore
- Eliminazione aria dall'impianto
- Carica impianto
- Inconvenienti
- Stacco dalla vettura
- Controlli operativi
- Controllo pressostato di minima
- Controllo termocontatto ventilatore
- Controllo valvola di espansione
- Controllo valvole del compressore
- Controllo pressostato di max
- Tensione cinghia comando compressore
- Componenti impianto di regolazione
- Centralina di regolazione
- Sensori
- Controllo efficienza sensori
- Schema elettrico condizionatore
- Controls & indicators
- Air conditioning system
- General - operation
- Air conditioning system fuctional layout
- Cooling system components
- Compressor
- Electromagnetic clutch
- Thermal switch
- Drier filter
- Pressure switches
- Expansion valve
- Maintenance
- Bleeding
- Air elimination from metering cylinder
- Filling metering cylinder
- Air elimination from system
- System filling
- Malfunctions
- Removal from vehicle
- Functional checks
- Minimum pressure switch check
- Fan thermal switch check
- Expansion valve check
- Compressor valves check
- Maximum pressure switch check
- Compressor drive belt tension
- Temperature control system components
- Control unit
- Sensors
- Sensors efficiency check
- Air conditioner electric diagram
- Commandes et appareils de controle
- Installation de conditionnement d'air
- Generalites - fonctionnement
- Schema de fonctionnement de l'installation de conditionnement
- Composants installation de refroidissement
- Compresseur
- Embrayage electromagnetique
- Thermo-contact
- Filtre deshydrateur
- Pressostats
- Vanne d'expansion
- Entretien
- Vidange
- Elimination air du cylindre doseur
- Charge cylindre doseur
- Elimination air de l'installation
- Charge installation
- Inconvenients
- Depose de la voiture
- Controles de fonctionnement
- Controle pressostat de minimum
- Controle thermocontact ventilateur
- Controle vanne d'expansion
- Controle vannes de compresseur
- Controle pressostat de maximum
- Tension courroie commande compresseur
- Composants installation de regulation

- Centrale de regulation
- Capteurs
- Controle efficacite capteurs
- Schema electrique installation de conditionnement
- Schaltungen und kontrollgerate
- Klimaanlage
- Allgemeines betrieb
- Betriebsschema der klimaanlage
- Komponenten der kuhlanlage
- Kompressor
- Elektromagnetische kupplung
- Thermoschalter
- Trockenfilter
- Druckwachter
- Expansionsventil
- Wartung
- Ablassen
- Entluften des dosierzylinders
- Fullen des doiserzylinders
- Entluften der anlage
- Fullen der anlage
- Storungen
- Ausbau aus dem fahrzeug
- Betriebskontrollen
- Kontrolle des druckwachters fur mindestdruck
- Kontrolle des lufter - thermokontaktes
- Kontrolle des expansionsventils
- Kontrolle der kompressorventile
- Kontrolle des druckwachters fur hochstdruck
- Spannung des kompressor antriebsriemens
- Komponenten der einstellanlage
- Steuergerat
- Fuhler
- Betriebskontrolle der fuhler
- Elektrischer schaltplan der klimaanlage
- Impianto elettrico
- Centralina elettrica
- Fusibili
- Teleruttori
- Circuiti comandati dalla chiave
- Illuminazione
- Dispositivo emergenza sollevamento e scomparsa fari
- Proiettori
- Luci posteriori
- Batteria
- Caratteristiche e dati
- Stacca-batteria
- Controlli
- Carica
- Smontaggio batteria
- Tensione cinghia comando alternatore
- Sostituzione motorino elettrico alzacristalli
- Circuiti elettrici
- Connettori vari
- Colorazione cavi
- Batteria alternatore e motorino avviamento
- Injezione benzina
- Accensione e presa diagnosi
- Plancia comandi, apparecchi di controllo - avvisatori acustici - apertura cassetto portaoggetti - presa di corrente
- Luci esterne
- Radio - bloccaggio porte - alzacristalli - accendisigari - luci porte - plafoniere
- Aria condizionate e ventilatore radiatore acqua
- Schema generale - parte anteriore e centralina porta teleruttori
- Schema generale - plancia e interno vettura
- Schema generale - parte posteriore e motore
- Electrical system
- Electrical control unit
- Fuses
- Relays
- Key controlled circuits
- Lighting
- Emergency device for headlamp lifting motor
- Headlamps
- Rear lights
- Battery
- Specifications & data
- Battery release switch
- Checks
- Charging operation
- Battery removal
- Alternator drive belt tension
- Power windows motor replacement
- Wiring diagrams
- Various connectors
- Cable colour code
- Battery - alternator & starter
- Fuel injection
- Ignition & socket for diagnosis
- Instrument panel - controls & display - handbrake
- Electric rear view mirrors - windscreen wiper & washer - horns
- Glove compartment opening - current socket inside glove compartment
- Outside lights
- Radio - door locking - window regulator - cigarette lighter
- Open door lights - interior lights
- Air conditioning & radiator water blower
- General diagram - front section & relay control unit
- General layout - dashboard & passenger compartment
- General layout - rear section & engine
- Installation electrique
- Boitier electrique
- Fusibles
- Telerupteurs
- Circuits commandes par la cle'
- Systeme d'eclairage
- Dispositif de secours pour soulevement projecteurs
- Projecteurs
- Feux arriere
- Batterie
- Caracterstiques et donnees
- Coupe - batterie
- Controles
- Charge
- Depose de la batterie
- Tension courroie commande alternateur
- Remplacement moteur electrique leve-vitres
- Circuits electriques
- Connecteurs divers
- Couleur des cables
- Batterie alternateur et demarreur
- Injection essence
- Allumage et prise diagnostic
- Tableau commandes - appareils de controle et frein a main
- Reyroviseurs electriques - essule - lave glace - avertisseurs sonores
- Ouverture boite a gants - prise de courant dans boite a gants
- Feux exterieurs
- Radio - blocage portes - leve glace
- Allume cigares - lumieres de portes - plafonnier
- Air conditionne et ventilateur radiateur a eau
- Schema general - partie avant et centrale porte - telerupteurs
- Schema general - planche et habitacle voiture
- Schema general - partie arriere et moteur
- Elektrische anlage
- Elektrische schaltgruppe
- Sicherungen
- Fernschelter
- Durch zundschlussel geschaltete kreise
- Beleuchtung
- Hilfsvorrichtung zum heben und einfahren der scheinwerfer
- Scheinwerfer
- Schlubleuchten
- Batterie
- Technische merkmale
- Batterie - abschalter
- Kontrollen
- Ladung
- Ausbau der batterie
- Spannung des alternator - antriebsriemens
- Austausch des elektrischen scheibenhebermotors
- Elektrische kreise
- Verschiedene steckverbinder
- Kabelfarben
- Batterie alternator und anlassermotor
- Kraftstoff-einspritzung
- Zundung und diagnostik - aufnahme
- Instrumentenbrett - kontrollgerate und handbremse
- Elektrische spiegel - scheibenwischer und - waschanlage - hupen
- Offnung des ablagefachs - stromaufnahme motorraum und armaturenbrett
- Aubenbeleuchtung
- Radio - tursperre - scheibenheber - zigarettenanzunder
- Turbeieuchtung - deckenleuchten
- Klimaluft und lufter des wasserkuhlers
- Allgemeiner schaltplan - vorderer teil und fernschalter - schaltgruppe
- Allgemeiner schaltplan - armaturenbrett und wageninnenraum
- Allgemeiner schaltplan - hinterer teil und motor
- Carrozzeria
- Verniciatura
- Trattamento tuff-kote
- Coachwork
- Painting
- Tuff-kote treatment
- Carrossierie
- Peinture
- Traitement tuff-kote
- Karosserie
- Lackierung

- Tuff-kote - bearbetung
- Attrezzatura
- Coppie di serraggio
- Punti di arracco al telaio
- Smontaggio motore
- Tool equipment
- Tightening torques
- Chassis hitch points
- Engine disassembly
- Outillage special
- Couples de serrage
- Points de fixaction au chassis
- Demontage moteur
- Spezialwerkzeuge
- Anzugsmomente
- Befestigungspunkte am rahmen
- Ausbau des motors


- Abbreviations
- Spare assembly units
- Numerical index
- Mechanical parts
- Index
- Crankcase
- Crankshaft - connecting rods - pistons
- Cylinder head (right)
- Cylinder head (left)
- Timing system - controls
- Timing system - valves
- Fuel pump - pipes
- Fuel tanks (not for us version)
- Fuel tanks (for us version)
- Anti - evaporative emmision control system (for us version)
- Fuel distribution lines
- Electronic control
- Fuel injection system - valves & lines
- Secondary air pump & lines (for us version)

- Air injection & lines (for ch87 - cat version)
- Air intake - manifolds
- Air intake
- Throttles control
- Exhaust system (for b1 - gd1 version)
- Exhaust system (for us -sa - ch - cat version)
- Blow by system
- Lubrication
- Lubrication - pumps & oil filter
- Engine cooling
- Cooling system
- Water pump - pipings
- Clutch - controls (upto car no. 80094 - 80145 ch & 80176 us)
- Clutch - controls (from car no. 80095 - 80146 ch & 80177 us)
- Clutch release control
- Gearbox transmission
- Gearbox - mountings & covers
- Gearbox
- Main shaft gears
- Lay shaft gears
- Inside gearbox controls
- Differential - axle shafts
- Brake hydraulic system
- Brake system
- Calipers for front & rear brakes
- Hand - brake control
- Steering box - linkage
- Steering column - (until car no. 75996)
- Steering column - (from car no. 75997 to car no. 80422)
- Steering column - (from car no. 80423)
- Front suspension - shock absorber & brake disc upto car no. 75996)
- Front suspension - shock absorber & brake disc from car no. 75997)
- Front suspension - wishbones (upto car no. 75996)
- Front suspension - wishbones (starting from car no. 75997)
- Rear suspension - brake disc (upto car no. 75996)
- Rear suspension - brake disc (starting from car no. 75997)
- Rear suspension - wishbones & shock absorbers (upto car no. 75996)
- Rear suspension - wishbones & shock absorbers (starting from car no. 75997)
- Wheels (upto car no. 75996)
- Wheels from car no. 75997)
- Engine ignition
- Electric generating system
- Air conditioning system
- Tool kit
- Variants for r.h.d. Version
- Clutch release control
- Brake hydraulic system - accelerator control

- Index
- Body shell - external components
- Body shell - internal components
- Body shell - internal components
- Rear frame
- External finishings
- Bumpers
- Luggage & passenger compartment insulation panels
- Front compartment lid
- Rear bonnet & luggage compartment covering
- Door
- Door - locking device
- Door - power windows
- Windows
- Interior trim - accessories - seats
- Seats - carpets
- Dashboard (not for us version)
- Dashboard (for us version)
- Central tunnel (not for us version)
- Central tunnel (for us version)
- Instruments & passenger compartment accessories (not for us version)
- Instruments & passenger compartment accessories (for us version)
- Front headlight lifting device
- Lamps
- Electrical system
- Valves & relays
- Windshield wiper - washer - horns