Citroën DS 19 - Service Manual / Repair Manual - Wiring Diagrams - Spare Parts Catalog View larger

Citroën DS 19 - Workshop Manual / Repair Manual - Wiring Schematics - Spare Parts Catalog

English Workshop Manual / Repair Manual, Wiring Schematics and Spare Parts Catalog, for vehicles Citroën DS 19

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- English Workshop Manual / Repair Manual, Wiring Schematics and Spare Parts Catalog, for vehicles Citroën DS 19.




- Index of operations
- Characteristics and adjustments
- General
- Engine
- Distributor
- Clutch
- Gearbox
- Source, reserve of pressure
- Front Axle
- Rear Axle
- Suspension
- Steering
- Brakes
- Dynamo
- General advice
- Work on hydraulic systems
- Tachometers
- Pressure gauges, checks
- LHS2
- Use of adhesives
- Engine
- Replace engine/gearbox
- Strip/assemble to replace engine
- Strip/assemble to replace g'box
- Overhaul engine
- Fuel system
- Exhaust system
- Ignition system
- Lubrication system
- Belts, pulleys, cooling system
- Clutch
- Overhaul clutch cylinder
- Replace clutch fork
- Replace centrifugal reg.
- Replace re-engagement control
- Replace pipe:
- Replace clutch lock
- Replace clutch cylinder
- Bleed centrif. regulator
- Check cylinder for leaks
- Adjust
- Overhaul
- Remove/refit
- Gearbox
- Overhaul
- Replace diff shaft, disc, bearing
- Replace brake disk
- Replace gearbox cover
- Overhaul gearbox cover
- Replace mech. gear selector
- Replace hydr. gear selector
- Replace change speed regulator
- Overhaul mech. gear selector
- Overhaul change-speed reg.
- O/haul hydr. gear selector
- Replace pipes:
- Cylinder piston assy for g/change control
- Replace ring seals in gear control cylinders
- Drive shafts
- Replace
- Source and reserve of pressure
- Overhaul press. distributor
- Replace hydraulic reservoir
- Replace press. distributor
- Overhaul brake accu.
- Replace brake accumulator
- Replace pipe pump-press reg.
- Overhaul pressure reg.
- Replace press. reg. / accumulator
- Overhaul pump
- Replace HP pump
- Pressure regulator
- High-pressure pump
- Front axle
- Adjust camber
- Adjust tracking
- Adjust steering centre point
- Replace half axle
- Overhaul half axle
- Replace upper pivot ball pin
- Replace lower pivot ball pin
- Rear axle
- Replace half axle
- Overhaul half axle
- Replace stub axle/bearing
- Replace bearing seal/thrust collar
- Suspension
- Adjust heights
- Adjust anti-roll bar
- Spheres
- Replace suspension cylinder
- Replace fr. height corrector
- Overhaul damper valve
- O/haul suspension cylinder
- Check sphere pressure
- Overhaul height corrector
- Fill height corrector
- Replace anti-roll bar
- Replace fr. suspn. feed pipe
- Replace sphere/damper
- Replace r. suspn. cylinder
- Replace r. height corrector
- Replace r. anti-roll bar
- Adjust manual ht. control
- Replace manual ht control
- Steering
- Adjust lateral position
- Adjust angular position
- Adjust track
- Adjust straight-ahead posn.
- Adjust lock
- Adjust crossover pressure
- Replace steering wheel
- Replace centralising cam
- Replace steering column bracket
- Replace steering rack
- Replace rack hydraulic control
- Replace pinion assembly
- Overhaul rack
- Overhaul rack control
- O/haul pinion assembly
- Replace steering relay
- Overhaul steering relay
- Brakes
- Adjust hydraulic brakes
- Adjust mechanical brakes
- Adjust rear brakes
- Replace hydraulic brake units
- Replace hydraulic brake pads
- O/haul hydraulic brake unit
- Replace brake drum, shoes
- Replace brake backplate
- Replace wheel cylinder
- Bleed brake system
- Adjust brake pressure distribution
- Check pressure switch
- Adjust stop lamp switch
- Replace hydraulic brake pedal gear
- Replace brake press. distributor
- O/haul brake pedal gear
- Replace r. brake pivoting pipe assy.
- Mechanical brake
- Electrical
- Wiring DS21, DS21M
- Replace facia panel
- Replace dynamo
- Replace starter motor
- Adjust headlights
- Pre-adjust headlamp control
- Adjust headlamps
- Replace QI headlight bulb
- Remove/refit screen wiper
- Replace heating/vent assy.
- Replace heater control valve
- O/haul heater control valve
- Body
- Replace front wing


- Index
- General characteristics
- Engine
- Replace engine, gearbox
- Strip for replacement
- Strip for replaing gearbox
- Replace cylinder head
- Strip/assemble cylinder head
- Replace inlet manifold
- Adjust idling
- Replace carburettor
- Clutch
- Replace
- Adjust
- Gearbox
- Overhaul
- Replace g/box cover
- Gearchange
- Adjust gearchange
- Replace gear lever, cable
- Replace gear control rod
- Replace control tube, housing
- Replace HP pump
- Overhaul press. distrib. unit
- Replace steering column bearing
- Replace steering rack
- Replace hydraulic brake pads
- Replace hydraulic calipers
- Adjust mech. brake
- Replace brake cable
Special tool drawings


- Index
- Characteristics, adjustments
- Engine
- Engine data
- Replace engine/gearbox
- Strip/assemble to replace engine
- Strip/assemble to replace g/box
- Overhaul engine
- Replace cylinder head
- Replace timing chain or pinion
- Replace camshaft
- Replace tappets
- Replace inlet manifold
- Overhaul carburettor
- Replace air filter
- Adjust static advance
- Replace distributor
- Overhaul distributor
- Check oil pressure
- Replace oil pump
- Clutch
- Replace
- Replace re-engagement control
- Gearbox data
- Replace front half axle
- Replace rear half axle
- Suspension
- Pre-adjust heights
- Adjust heights
- Replace front anti-roll bar
- Replace rear anti-roll bar
- Replace hydraulic brake pads
- Electrical
- Bulb chart
- Wiring diagram
- Schedule of parts
- Schedule of wiring
- Replace dynamo
- Adjust headlights
- Replace heater control valve


- Index
- Characteristics
- Engine replacement
- Strip/assemble to replace engine
- Strip/assemble to replace g/box
- Replace cylinder head/gasket
- Replace carburettor mounting block
- Replace exhaust heat shield/manifold
- Replace silencer
- Clutch data
- Replace clutch
- Replace clutch fork
- Gearbox
- Replace starter motor


- Classification of operations
Index of operations
Index of special tools
Characteristics, adjustments
Work on the hydraulic system
- Replace engine/gearbox
- Strip engine/g'box for replacement
- Overhaul engine
- Work on crankcase
- Adjust valve rockers
- Replace cylinder head
- Overhaul cylinder head
- Work on cylinder head
- Work on timing gear
- Adjust r. engine mountings
- Work on engine mountings
Fuel system
- Replace inlet manifold->7/59
- Adjust slow running
- Replace carburettor
- Work on carburettor controls
- O/haul acc. idle control 1/59-3/61
- Replace air filter silencer
- Replace petrol pump
- Replace petrol feed pipe
Repair Rilsan pipes
Exhaust system
Work on petrol tank
- Ignition adjustments
- Work on contact breaker
- Check ignition coil
Oil circulation system
Water cooling, drive belts, LP pump
- Adjust pulleys and belts
- Work on water pump
- O/haul water pump and LP pump
- Work on pulleys and belts
- Work on radiator and fan
- Replace clutch
- Overhaul clutch assembly
- Check, adjust clutch control
- Work on clutch control
- Work on the gearbox
- Prepare g'box for stripping
- Overhaul gearbox
- Replace diff shaft, brake disc, housing, support arm
- Replace gearbox cover
- Overhaul gearbox cover
- Check, adjust change-speed control
- Work on gear control
- Work on hydraulic gear selector
- Work on gear control pipe assy.
Drive shafts
- Test hydraulics in situ
- Work on high pressure pump
- Overhaul high pressure pump
- Replace press. reg., accumulator
- Overhaul pressure regulator
- Replace brake accumulator
- Overhaul brake accumulator
- Work on press. distrib. block, reservoir
- Overhaul press. distrib. block
- Adjust front axle
- Replace front half axle
- Work on front axle
- Replace rear half axle
- Overhaul rear half axle
- Work on rear axle
- Adjustments on suspension
- Work on front suspension
- Work on the supension units
- Work on front anti-roll bar
- Work on rear suspension
- Work on suspension piping
- Adjust manual height control
- Replace manual height control
- Adjust angular position
- Adjust alignment
- Adjust straight-ahead position
- Adjust steering lock
- Adjust pressure cross-over
- Steering wheel
- Replace locating cam
- Replace steering column bracket
- Replace rack
- Replace hydraulic control
- Replace poinion, rotating union
- Overhauling
- Rack control
- Pinion, rotating union
- Rack
- Testing on car
- Steering relay
- Replace lower relay lever
- Overhaul relay
- Adjust brakes
- Work on front brakes
- Work on rear brakes
- Adjust, check hydr. brake control
- Work on hydr. brake control
- Overhaul hydr. brake control
- Work on brake piping
- Adjust mechanical brake
- Work on mech. brake control
Electrical system
- 6-volt electrical installation
- 12-volt electrical inst->9/61
- 12-volt elect. inst. 9/61->
- Schedule of bulbs
- REplace dynamo
- Overhaul dynamo
- Replace starter motor
- Overhaul starter motor
Work on heating, demisting
Overhaul cut-out valve
- Index
- Illustrations


Special tool list
Hydraulic general
- Replacing
- Stripping and assembling
- Overhauling
- Work on crankcase
- Work on oil circulation
- Cylinder head
- Valve clearances
- Remove/replace cylinder head
- Overhaul
- Rockers, springs
- Timing gear
- Engine mountings
Fuel system
- Inlet manifold
- Carburettor
- Carburettor controls
- Air filter
- Petrol pump
- Petrol feed pipe
- Petrol tank
Exhaust system
Pulleys, belts adjustment
Waterpump and low-pressure pump
Pulleys and belts
Radiator and fan
- Replacement
- Overhaul
- Adjustment
- Control elements
- Replacement
- 1st speed selector
- Strip/Overhaul
- Output shafts
- Gearbox cover
- Overhaul
- Gearchange adjustment
- Hydraulic gear selector
- Pipe assemblies
- Drive shafts
Hydraulic system
- Testing on the car
- High pressure pump
- Pressure regulator
- Brake accumulator
- Distribution block
- Reservoir
Front suspension
- Camber/Castor adjustment
- Replacing
- Overhauling
Steering joints
- Driveshaft seal
- Steering lever
- Upper pivot ball
- Lower pivot ball
- Wheel fixings
- Rear suspension
- Replacing
- Overhaul
- Stub axle
- Suspension adjustment
- Heights
- Front anti-roll bar
- Front suspension
- Sphere/damper
- Height corrector
- Cylinder
- Dust cover/piston rod
- Front/rear damper overhaul
- Height corrector overhaul
- Cylinder overhaul
- Anti-roll bar
- Height corrector control
- Rear suspension
- Height corrector
- Cylinder
- Dust cover/piston rod
- Dampers
- Height correctors
- Suspension cylinder
- Front anti-roll bar
- Replacement
- Bearing replacement
- Height corrector control rod
- Rear suspension
- Height corrector replacement
- Cylinder replacement
- Dust cover/piston rod
- Anti-roll bar replacement
- Corrector control rod replacement
- Suspension piping
- Front height corrector
- Suspension feed pipe
- Manual height control
- Cable control adjustment
- Rod control adjustment
- Replacing cable control
- Replacing rod control
Steering adjustments
- Lateral position
- Angular position
- Toe-in
- Pressure cross-over
- Steering wheel
- Straight ahead cam
- Steering rack
- Steering relay
- Front brakes
- Rear brakes
- Bleeding the brakes
- Adjusting pressures
- Hydraulic brake control
- Brake piping
- Mechanical brake
- Wire numbers
- Bulbs
- Dynamo
- Starter
- Heating/demisting
- Index
- Plates 1 - 184


Contents list
Distributor sevicing
Fuel pump servicing
Work on Weber carb.
Cooling system repairs
Cylinder head repairs
Repalce engine/gearbox
Separate engine/gearbox
Replace a gearbox
Brake disc replacement
Strip a gearbox
Clutch overhaul
Work on front axle
Replace front half-axle
O/haul front half-axle
Work on steering
Replace steering mech.
Replace steering relay
O/haul steering gear
Replace r. half-axle
O/haul front axle shaft
Front brake servicing
Height control repair
Hydraulic circuit repairs
Replace HP pump
Replace belts
Replace accumulator
Work on reservoir
Replace brake accumulator
Repl press distr. unit
Replace L.P. pump
Overhaul L.P. pump
Replace clutch cylinder
Replace check valve
Hydraulic brake control
Replace master cylinder
Work on master cylinder
Replace clutch equaliser
Replace calibrating valve
Replace speed equaliser
G'box cover
Replace fr. suspn. cylinder
Replace front equaliser
Replace rear suspension cylinder
Adjustments on engine
Adjustments on fr. axle, steering
Brake adjustment
Adjustments on cars
Generator servicing
Starting motor servicing
Electrical circuits


- Editor's note
- Using the manual
- Numbering of operations
- Index - DS19
- Index ID19
Replace engine, gearbox - ID
Replace engine, gearbox - ID
Strip/assemble for replacement
Replace Cyl. head, gasket DS
Replace Cyl. head, gasket ID
- Replace tail pipe
- Replace silencer
- Replace intermediate pipe
- Replace front pipe
- Replace manifold
Radiator and fan
- Radiator
- Radiator ventilation duct
- Thermostat
Replace - ID
Replace - DS
Overhaul - ID
Output shafts, diff bearing
Test Press. Reg., Sphere
Replace Pres. Reg., Main accumulator
O/haul height corrector
- Test steering on car
- Check rotating union
- Overhaul rack
- O/haul pinion, rotating union
- Overhaul rack control
- Overhaul power steering
- Replace pinion, rotating union
- Replace steering
- Replace steering wheel - ID
- Adjust cross-over pressure
- Adjust steering lock
- Adjust straight-ahead
- Adjust tracking
- Adjust angular position
- Adjust lateral position
- Adjust connecting cable
- Adjust control cable
- Replace brake unit
- Adj. control lever eccentric
- Adjust front brake unit
Replace starter motor
Heater group
- Replace
- Overhaul
- Index
- Illustrations
Cover notes
- How to use this book
- Addresses of suppliers
Checking w/out jig
- Front impact
- Rear impact
Using the jig
- Handling the body
- Placing on jig
- Mods to jig
Towing by lifting
- Attaching berline
- Attaching break
- Body/trim cleaning
- Chrome protection
- Plexiglass care
- Door glass movement
- Rustproofing
Replace caisson front
Lower front half-axle fixing
Straightening on jig
- Front unit sidemember
- Front unit
- Front body unit
- Front axle-arm bosses
- Sidemember closing panel
- Front unit closing panel and body siderail
- Rear body
- Rear caisson unit
- Housing for r. axle arm brg.
Replacing panels
- Rear boot floor
- X-member under fr. seats
- Petrol tank heel board
- Converting break types
- Rear body unit
- Lower body siderail, centre pillar
- Siderail closing panel
- Sidemember lining
- Centre pillar
- Bottom body siderails
- Roof siderail
- Pillars, quarter panel lining
- Bottom body siderail w. front sidemember, lower part of centre pillar
- Front pillar (upper)
- Centre pillar
- Rear pillar
- Lower rear pillar
- Lower centre pillar
- R. pillar, X-member, panels etc.
- R. pillar, closing panel
- R. pillar, inner wheelarch etc.
- Lower front pillar
- Fr. pillar, scuttle side
- Fr. pillar lower closing panel
- R. body lower X-member part
- R. body upper X-member
- R. light shelf panel
Panelwork (sheet metal)
- Rear wheelarch, boot closing panel
- Quarter panel lining
- R. connecting panel
- Scuttle panel
- Scuttle panel, upper dash frame, scuttle shelf
- Boot r. closing panel
- Front bumper Sept '62->
- Heater shutter ->Aug.'61
- Alignment of doors, wings, bonnet
- Cabriolet
- Maintenance
- Roof replacement
- Roof repair
- Rear door stays
- Boot door and hinges
- Boot door seals
- Front trim panel Sept.'62->
- Door lock + controls
- Door lock barrel
- Front seat height ->Sept '62
- Window winder -> May '57
- Window winder May '57->
- Break r. door window
- Door finishing
- Windscreen
- Rear light glass
Trim and paint
- Fr. seat squab panel
- Restoring seat shape
- Bonnet trim Sept'62->
- Bottom siderail trim
- Door trim panel
- Roof lining
- Painting plastic roof
- Painting aluminium parts
- Painting new parts
- Sound deadening
- Wheel rim
- Replacing Break rear body unit
- Quarter panel and wheel arch
- R. upper X-member
- R. lower X-member
- Closing panels of lower X-member
- Closing panel of r. wheel arch
- Rear wheel arch
- R. bumper bracket
Index of illustrations


WIRING DIAGRAM (1962-1965)


- Editor's note
- Preface
- Numbering of parts
- Model types
Numerical index
Supplementary index
- Cylinder block/barrels
- Cylinder head
- Anti-pollution device (USA)
- Manifold, carburettor
- Air filter
- Crank, rods, pistons
- Camshaft
- Engine/gearbox mountings
- Accelerator control (LHD)
- Accelerator control (RHD)
- Petrol tank, pump, piping
- Exhaust -> 2/'58
- Exhaust 2/58 - 9/62
- Exhaust 9/62 -
- Ducellier ignition -> 7/'59
- Ducellier ignition 7/59 - 4/662
- Ducellier ignition 4/62 -
- Oil pump
- Water, LP pump, fan - 9/60
- Water pump, fan 9/60 ->
- Water pipes, fan cowl
- Water pipes, air duct 9/62 ->
- Housing, lid
- Forks and shafts bvh
- Forks and shafts bvm
- Pinions, shafts bvh
- Pinions, shafts bvm
- Differential
LP hydraulic pipes, non-return valve
Centrifugal regulator
Clutch control and piping
- Hydraulic gear selector
- Gear change control piping
- G/change control hydr. drive
- Gear control bvm (LHD)
- Gear control bvm (RHD)
- Drive shafts
- Front suspn arms, hubs
- Rear axle arms, hubs, drums
- Steering wheel, column
- Steering wheel, column bvm
- Steering rack
- Steering hydraulics
- Steering relays, rods
- Brake discs
- Front brake calipers
- Front brake calipers 2/'58 ->
- R. brake back plates, shoes
- R. brake b/plates, shoes 12/'57 ->
- Mechanical brake control
- Hand brake bvm
- Hydraulic brake control
- Brake piping
- Brake piping since 7/'60
Hydraulics, suspension
- HP pump
- Press. reg., accumu., reservoir
- F. suspn cylinders, corrector, a/roll bar
- R. suspn cylinders, corrector
- Suspension, steering pipes
- Suspn, steering pipes 7/'60 ->
- Manual height control - 11/'57
- Man. ht control (LHD) 11/'57 ->
- Man. ht control (RHD) 11/'57 ->
Pedal gear bvm (LHD)
Pedal gear bvm (RHD)
- Instrument board, 6 volt battery
- Instrument board, 12 volt battery
- Inst. board etc 8/'60 ->
- Windscreen washer
- Ducellier dynamo 6, 12 volt
- Ducellier dynamo 12 v Pallas
- Paris-Rhône dynamo 6, 12 v.
- Paris-Rhône dynamo 12 v
- Ducellier starter 6 v.
- Paris-Rhone starter 6 v.
- Ducellier starter 12 v
- Paris-Rhône starter 12v.
- Screen wipers 6, 12 v -> 5/'60
- Screen wiper 6, 12 v 5/'60 - 9/60
- Bosch wiper 6, 12 v 9/'60 - 9/'64
- A later Bosch wiper...
- Exterior lights
- Exterior lights - Pallas
- Exterior lights (USA)
- Wiring
- Electrical equipment
- Horns
- Radio
- Front bumpers -> 11/'61
- Front bumpers 9/'62 ->
- Rear bumpers -> 11/'61
- Rear bumpers 11/'61 ->
Heating system
- Demist, heat, vent. -> 8/'61
- Demist, heat, vent. 8/'61 - 9/'62
- Demist, heat, vent 9/'62 ->
- Rear heat, demist
Sun visor, rear view mirror
Wheel accessories, tools
Body work
- Bodies inc cabriolet
- Body units (front)
- Body units (front) 9/'62 ->
- Body units (rear)
- Body units (rear) 9/'62 ->
- Front wings -> 9/59
- Front wings 9/'59 - 9/'62
- Front wings 9/'62 ->
- Rear wings -> 7/'59
- Rear wings 7/'59 ->
- Bonnet
- Roof
- Front, rear side doors
- Doors - Decap, Prestige
- Door fittings
- Lock handles
- Window winder 6mm -> 5/'57
- Window winder 4mm 6/'57->
- Window winder (USA) 6 mm
- Window winder (USA) 5 mm
- Door glasses
- Cabriolet, Prestige parts
- Windscreen, Rear window
- Boot door
- Facia -> 8/'61
- Facia (LHD) 8/'61 ->
- Facia (RHD)
- Seats
- Front seats -> 6/'63
- Front seats 6/'63 ->
- Rear seats
- Door trim (Pallas)
- Door trim
- Lining, Sound deadening
- Head rest, hood, carpet
- Safety harness


Contents list
Numerical index
- Block, cylinder barrels
- Cylinder head, rockers
- Manifolds, carburetter
- Air filter
- Crank, rods, pistons
- Camshaft
- Engine/gearbox suspension
- Accelerator control
- Petrol tank, pump, piping
- Exhaust
- Exhaust post Sept '62
- Ducellier ignition
- Ignition post sept '59
- Oil pump, circulation
Cooling system
- Water and low-pressure pump
- Water pump post Sept '60
- Water distribution, fan cowl
- Housing, lid
- Selector forks, shafts
- Pinions, shafts
- Differential
- Drive shafts, g'box output shafts
- BVH system
- Low-pressure pipe system, non-return valve
- Centrifugal regulator
- Clutch control and piping
- Hydraulic gear selector
- Gearchange control piping
- Gear change control
Axle arms, hubs
- Front
- Rear
- Steering wheel, bracket, centring device
- Steering rack
- Steering hydraulics
- Steering relays
- Front brake unit - early
- Front brake unit post Feb '58
- Rear brakes - early
- Rear brakes post Dec '57
Hydraulic suspension
- High pressure pump
- Susp'n control, spheres, reservoir
- Front susp'n cylinders, corrector, anti-roll bar
- Rear susp'n cylinders, corrector
More brakes
- Mechanical brake control
- Hydraulic brake control
- Brake piping
- Brake piping post July '60
Suspension and steering piping
- Pre July 1960
- Post July '60
Manual height control
- Post Nov 1957
- Pre Nov. 1957
Instrument panel, battery
- Instrument panel, glovebox, 6 V battery
- Instrument panel, glovebox, 12V battery
- Instrument panel, glovebox, 12V battery, screenwasher post Aug '61
- Ducellier 6 and 12V
- Ducellier 12V
- Paris-Rhône 6 and 12V
- Paris-Rhône 12V
Starter Motors
- Ducellier 6V
- Paris-Rhône 6V
- Ducellier 12V
- Paris-Rhône 12V
Windscreen wipers
- S.E.V. 6 and 12V
- S.E.V. 6 and 12V post Sept '60
- Bosch 6 and 12V post Sept '60
- Front and rear pre Nov '61
- Front post Nov '61
- Rear post Nov '61
Heating, demisting, ventilation
- Pre Aug '61
- Post Aug '61
- Rear heating, demisting, cold climates
- Europe etc.
Sun visor, rear-view mirror
- Wiring
- Horns
- Radio telephone
Wheel accessories
- Front section
- Rear section
- Front wings
- Front wings post Sept '59
- Rear wings
- Bonnet
- Roof
- Front and rear doors
- Locks, handles
- Window winder
- Window winder post May '57
- Window winder (USA)
- Rear boot door
- Facia
- Facia post Aug '61
- Front and rear screens
- Linings and sound deadening
- Front seats
- Rear seats
- Door trim
- Headrest, cabrio hood, carpet


Indications générales
Numérotation des pièces
Légende des symboles
Table des matières
Index numérique
- Joints pour moteur
- Moteur - Cylindre - Carter - Chemises
- Culasse - Rampe de culbuteurs - Couvre-culasse
- Tubulures - Carburateur - Filtre a air
- Vilebrequin - Bielles - Pistons
- Arbre a cames
- Suspension moteur et boite de vitesses
- Commande d'accélérateur
- Alimentation d'essence - Réservoir - Pompe - Tuyauteries
- Échappement
- Allumeur et bobine ducelier - Circuit d'allumage - Commande d'avance
- Pompe a huile - Circulation d'huile
- Pompe a eau et pompe de commande d'embrayage - Ventilateur
- Canalisation d'eau du radiateur - Collecteur d'air
Boite de vitesses
- Boite de vitesses complète - Carter - Couvercle
- Axes et fourchettes
- Pignons - Arbres
- Différentiel
- Canalisation d'alimentation - Clapet de tarage - Clapet de retenue
- Commande de d'embrayage et canalisation
- Commande des vitesses et canalisation
- Essieu AV
- Transmission - Arbres de différentiel
- Bras - Pivots - Moyeux - Leviers d'accouplement
- Essieu AR - Bras - Moyeux
- Volant - Support - Ligne droit
- Crémaillère
- Boitiers de relai - Barres - Leviers
- Freins AV - Bloc de freinage
- Freins AR - Plateaux - Segments
- Pompe - Conjoncteur - Accumulateurs - Réservoir - Bloc de répartition
- Suspension AV - Cylindres - Correcteur - Barre anti-roulis
- Suspension AR - Cylindres - Correcteur
Commande de frein mécanique
Canalisation de frein - Commande de frein
Canalisation de suspension et de direction
Commande de variation de hauteur
Équipement électrique
- Cablerie - Équipement électrique
- Tableau - Commutateurs - Tirette - Batterie
- Dynamo Ducellier
- Dynamo Paris-Rhone
- Démarreur Ducellier
- Démarreur Paris-Rhone
- Éclairage - Feux indicatuer - Lanterne AR - Stop
- Tableau de Phares (Rayon VI) - Avertisseurs
Pare-soleils - Rétroviseurs - Lave-glace
Essuie-glace SEV
Dégiv. - Chauff. - Aér.
Accessoires de roues - Outillages
Caisse et carroserie
- Éléments de caisse (Partie AV)
- Éléments de caisse (Partie AR)
- Ailes AV
- Ailes AR
- Capot
- Pavillon
- Portes AV et AR
- Serrures - Poignées
- Lève-glace
- Porte de coffre AR
- Planche de bord - Boite a gants - Cendriers
- Pare-brise - Lunette AR
- Sièges AV - Coussin AR - Dossier AR - Tapis
- Garnitures de portes AV et R - Garnitures de coffre AR - Tole d'habillage


- Frontispiece
- Preface
- Numbering of parts
- Overview
- Table of contents
- Index
- Joints
- Engine, Block
- Cyclinder head
- Manifolds, carburetter, air filter
- Crank, rods, pistons
- Camshaft, followers
- Engine, gearbox suspension
- Accelerator control
- Petrol tank, pump, piping
- Exhaust
- Ignition
- Ducellier ignition parts
- Ignition controls
- Oil pump, pipes
- Cooling system
- Water, LP pump, Fan
- Water distribution, fan cowl
- Gearbox, Housing
- Gearbox forks, rods
- Gears, shafts
- Differential
LP hydraulic system
Clutch control
Drive shaft, brake disc
- Front axle, steering swivels, hubs
- R. axle arms, hubs
- Wheel, column
- Rack assembly
- Relays, rods, levers
- F. Caliper
- R. backplate, shoes
HP pump, accumulator, Reservoir spheres
- Front cylinders, correctors, anti-roll bar.
- Rear, cylinders, corrector.
Mechanical brake
Hydraulic brake piping
Suspn, steering piping
Manual height control
- Wiring
- Instrument board, swithches, choke control, battery
- Dynamos
- Ducellier
- Paris-Rhône
- Starters
- Ducellier
- Paris-Rhône
- Lighting, indicators, stop lamp
- Headlamp table, horns
Sun visor, rear mirror, screen washer
Windscreen wiper
Demisting, heating, ventilation
Wheel accessories, tools
- Body units, front
- Body units, rear
- Front wings
- Rear wings
- Bonnet
- Roof
- Doors, F and R.
- Locks, handles
- Window winder
- Rear boot door
- Facia, glove box, ash trays
- Windscreen, R. window
- Front, rear seats, carpets
Door, boot trim
RHD parts